Golfing Tips To Improve Your Handicap

Golfing Tips To Improve Your Handicap

4 Reasons Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Is Great for Weight Loss

by Walter Alexander

If you're carrying a bit of extra weight, you probably already understand the importance of getting into better shape. Unfortunately, that can be easier said than done. While exercise can be rewarding, the fact is that getting into it can be a challenge. One of the best ways to make things easier for yourself is to choose a type of exercise that works well for those looking to get back into shape, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu might be just what you're looking for.

Here are just four reasons why.

1. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Offers a Variety of Workouts

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a martial art based on ground fighting and holds, so you need to do a variety of workouts throughout each class. You'll usually start with a warm-up and some stretches, then move on to sparring and finally match up with a partner. This means you'll be doing everything from quick but intense cardio to bodyweight exercises and gymnastic-style routines. That's great news for people looking to lose weight since it provides a full-body workout that never spends so long on one area that you become exhausted.

2. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Helps with Flexibility

If it has been some time since you last exercised, you probably aren't as flexible as you used to be. That can be a problem since poor flexibility can make it harder to exercise and increases your risk of muscular and joint injuries. Since Brazilian jiu-jitsu requires you to be flexible, time will be spent during each class on stretching and conditioning. Additionally, practitioners will be able to identify areas that are too inflexible and help you work on them, and since movements on the mat force you to stretch your body in different ways, you should find yourself hitting areas that aren't usually targeted by traditional stretching exercises.

3. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Keeps You Engaged

One of the toughest things about committing to an exercise regime is staying engaged. You might lose a few pounds, but it can then be very tough to avoid putting it back on. However, Brazilian jiu-jitsu should keep you coming back because it's simply more engaging than running on a treadmill or cycling a stationary bike. It's a hobby as much as exercise, and the friends you make during class will create a fantastic motivation to keep you returning.

4. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Is One of the Safest Martial Arts

You might just be thinking that these benefits could apply to any martial art. That might be true, but one additional benefit of Brazilian jiu-jitsu is its safety. This is one of the safest martial arts since it focuses on grabbling rather than striking. It's also easy to start at a relatively low intensity and then work your way up. This means you won't risk ending your weight loss journey with an unfortunate injury before it's even really begun. 

For more information about BJJ, contact a local instructor. 


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Golfing Tips To Improve Your Handicap

As a keen golfer whose been playing for over twenty years, I see a lot of beginners on the course who have picked up some bad habits that are holding them back from achieving the handicap they're capable of. I started this blog to share the tips I've gathered from experienced golfers over the years and see it as a place where I can publicly answer the questions I'm asked at the clubhouse time and time again. If you have a topic you'd like me to write a post on, or if you have a question about swing, stance, club selection or any other related topic, I'd love to hear from you.