Golfing Tips To Improve Your Handicap

Golfing Tips To Improve Your Handicap

  • Which Tennis Court Construction Method Is Best for You?

    Other than grass tennis courts, which simply need to be rolled flat a few times a year and have their markings repainted, there are three other main tennis court construction methods to choose from. If you are considering having a new tennis court installed at your home, then there is no right or wrong choice. The different construction methods employed each have their pros and cons. Read on to find out more about them.

About Me

Golfing Tips To Improve Your Handicap

As a keen golfer whose been playing for over twenty years, I see a lot of beginners on the course who have picked up some bad habits that are holding them back from achieving the handicap they're capable of. I started this blog to share the tips I've gathered from experienced golfers over the years and see it as a place where I can publicly answer the questions I'm asked at the clubhouse time and time again. If you have a topic you'd like me to write a post on, or if you have a question about swing, stance, club selection or any other related topic, I'd love to hear from you.